Small business health insurance exchange may be coming to Mississippi

Health Insurance Mississippi

Mississippi commissioner has plans for a state-run health insurance exchange Mississippi Insurance Commissioner Mike Chaney has a new plan concerning the state’s health insurance exchange. Chaney was recently involved in a controversial political battle with the state’s Governor regarding compliance with the Affordable Care Act and how the state’s exchange system should be formed and managed. Chaney had initially intended to run the state’s health insurance exchange himself, without the support of Governor Phil Bryant. This plan was rejected by the federal Department of Health and Human Service, but Chaney…

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Health insurance concerns worsen in Mississippi

Health Insurance Mississippi

Mississippi health insurance exchange is the source of worry for regulators Health insurance continues to be a controversial issue in the U.S. and Mississippi Insurance Commissioner Mike Chaney has begun expressing strong concerns over the Affordable Care Act’s ability to provide affordable coverage to consumers. The Commissioner has begun to voice his doubt as to whether people will actually be able to receive health insurance coverage when they enroll in the state’s health insurance exchange in October of this year. The state is had sought to operate its own exchange…

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Health insurance exchange plan from Mississippi rejected

Mike Chaney, Mississippi Health Insurance Commissioner

This makes the state the first to have its healthcare reform proposal rejected by the federal government. On Friday, Mississippi became the first among all of the states to have its health insurance exchange proposal rejected by the federal government. According to federal officials, this was due to the opposition that it experienced by the state’s governor. Republican Governor Phil Bryant’s opposition to Mississippi’s health insurance marketplace proposal is being blamed for its eventual rejection by the federal government. The state received a letter from the U.S. Department of Health…

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Affordable Care Act spark dispute in Mississippi

Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant Affordable Care Act

Mississippi officials clash over provision of Affordable Care Act Mississippi is one of the states opposed to the Affordable Care Act. Since the law was passed in 2010, the state has been working to derail health care reform. Now, the state is embroiled in a dispute that has actually slowed the implementation of the law in a significant way, threatening to put the law off its carefully scheduled timeline. Governor Phil Bryant and Insurance Commissioner Mike Chaney are behind the dispute. Governor and Insurance Commissioner not seeing eye-to-eye While both…

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Health insurance exchange authority in Mississippi granted to commissioner

Mike Chaney, Mississippi Health Insurance Commissioner

Attorney General has made Mike Chaney responsible for the establishment and management of the marketplace. In Mississippi, the Attorney General’s Office has announced that the authority to create and operate the health insurance exchange in the state should be granted to Mike Chaney, the insurance commissioner. This insurance news announcement was made by way of legal opinion the office released this week. Governor Phil Bryant – like many other Republican state governors – are opposed to the healthcare reforms that have been implemented by the Obama administration. They have explained…

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Mississippi Insurance Commissioner Chaney finds a way to build a health insurance exchange

Florida Health Insurance

Commissioner Chaney faces down political disparities Per the Affordable Care Act, all states in the U.S. are required to build health insurance exchanges. For the majority of the country, this is no longer an issue of politics, but one of finance. For the 26 states that sought to dismantle the federal health care law, however, building a health insurance exchange will be a difficult issue to deal with. Mississippi Insurance Commissioner Chaney, for example, is facing the problems of establishing an exchange in a state that continues to oppose the…

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