Maryland health insurance open enrollment extended until February 28

Maryland on Sign - Health insurance

The state has extended the opportunity for residents to enroll due to the public health emergency. Maryland has announced that it is extending its health insurance open enrollment period, making possible for residents of the state to continue signing up for their coverage at the state’s marketplace. Residents of the state will be able to keep enrolling for coverage through the Maryland Health Connection. The state’s health insurance marketplace will stay open for enrollment until the end of February. The original deadline had been January 15. Governor Larry Hogan announced…

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Maryland’s health insurance exchange has some major problems, according to state audit

Maryland Health insurance

Audit reveals many problematic issues with state’s insurance exchange The Maryland Office of Legislative Audits has reviewed the state’s health insurance exchange, called the Maryland Health Benefit Exchange, and have found that the exchange’s operators did not appropriately protect sensitive personal information from those enrolling in the marketplace. The state’s exchange began official operations in June of 2011 and the Office of Legislative Audits reviewed data from the exchange from that point through July 2014. The findings of the audit highlight many instances in which the exchange can be improved.…

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Health insurance exchange contractor gets the axe in Maryland

health insurance exchange problems

The company behind the hugely costly but highly defective online marketplace has been fired. The state of Maryland has now fired the contractor that was behind the creation of the expensive health insurance exchange online marketplace that was supposed to allow the state to be able to comply with the federal health care reform. The defects in the site are extensive enough that Maryland may have to abandon part or all of the system. Despite the fact that the health insurance exchange creation came with a tremendous price tag, it…

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Health insurance exchange in Maryland loses Aetna plans

Maryland Insurance

The giant insurer has announced that it is withdrawing its policies from the state marketplace. Aetna has revealed that it feels that the approved rates in Maryland are not feasible, as it scrutinizes the offerings it has across the rest of the United States, and has now canceled its intentions to sell health insurance within that state’s exchange. The marketplace is slated to open on October 1, 2013 in order to comply with the federal healthcare reforms. The intention to sell health insurance plans as a part of the new…

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Health care reform in Maryland receive federal grant of $123 million

Health Care Reform

The state will be given the funds to begin its insurance exchange. Maryland will be receiving $123 million in funds from the federal government in order to create and establish its insurance exchange as per the health care reform requriements that were made by President Obama. Lieutenant Governor Anthony Brown made this announcement regarding the exchange and its website. The state will make its exchange available online at what is now called the Maryland Health Connection, which is available at, a website which is expected to be completely functional…

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