Discounts are available for cars that aren’t driven very far every year. When buying auto insurance or renewing a policy for a vehicle that has low mileage, it is important to discuss this trait with the agent or company representative as discounts may be available. Many policyholders miss this opportunity for significant savings every month. It is important to note that not all auto insurance companies offer this opportunity. That said, many do have discounts for low mileage cars, so owners of these vehicles are being advised to speak with…
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Patent for usage-based insurance goes to Progressive for the fourth time
Progressive Insurance has announced that it has received a patent for usage based system technologies for the fourth time for its Pay As You Drive program, which is available to drivers in the United States. The program involves using a driver’s safety score to change his or her premiums based on monitored driving data and is now patented under U.S. Patent No. 8,090,598. The usage based insurance (UBI) program at Progressive is called Snapshot, and it is now available to drivers in the District of Columbia and 39 other states.…
Read MoreThe top answers that will enlighten the insurance industry in 2012
As 2011 comes to a close, insurance companies are already beginning to ask questions about technology and regulation trends, as well as other important considerations. Though they won’t have their answers before this year is finished, there are already some predictions being made about what will be learned in the upcoming year. After all, a large number of changes are occurring in the industry, such as the wave of new mobile commerce technology that is now becoming much more mainstream, where it had only been considered “emerging” until now. Among…
Read MoreHartford to test a new form of car policy in 2012
Hartford Financial Services Group has announced its intentions to begin a pilot program in 2012 for an auto insurance policy based on telematics. Hartford’s president of consumer markets, Andy Napoli made the announcement during the company’s investors meeting. The new policy will be using telematics. According to Napoli, using the “devices in insured vehicles to transmit information about driving behavior, such as miles driven, speed, acceleration, deceleration, and using that information to price the risk.” This pilot program will be known as TrueLane and will begin in the first half…
Read MoreMillions of drivers may be eligible for car insurance discounts, according to Progressive Insurance
Progressive Insurance has issued a new report detailing how as many as 70 million drivers in the U.S. could be missing out on major savings. The insurer launched a new product earlier this year that collects data from drivers who opt to have a simple device installed in their vehicles. The device tracks driving habits and send the information to Progressive agents who determine whether these habits are safe. Those with safe driving habits are eligible for major discounts on their car insurance policies. Progressive’s report draws upon data collected…
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