Long term care insurance study identifies women’s coverage concerns

Long Term Care Insurance Industry

Research conducted by a Milwaukee insurer has identified a number of enlightening facts. The results of a long term care insurance study performed by Northwestern Mutual Life have shown that while women seem to have a greater understanding than their male counterparts regarding the options and resources that are available to a person who requires assisted living services, they are also notably less likely to purchase the necessary coverage to shelter them from those risks. The insurer released its findings in time for the awareness month for this form of…

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Long term care insurance buying tips and tricks

Long Term Care Insurance

Acting Commissioner Ken Kobylowski has released advice for consumers to follow. In a news release from the New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance, Acting Commissioner Ken Kobylowsky has provided a list of long term care insurance shopping tips to help consumers to make more informed and appropriate decisions regarding their own coverage needs. According to the HHS, 21 million people over 65 years old will need these services in their lifetimes. The United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has reported that their data indicates that over…

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The costliest states for long term care services

Long Term Care insurance Costs

Genworth Financial has released a study regarding the most expensive places for assistance. A study by Genworth Financial Inc. has identified the states in which long term care insurance is most important due to the highest costs of services for the sick and the elderly. It found that Massachusetts has the highest price tags in the country for these services. Residents of the Bay State face the greatest expense for services designed for caring for the elderly and the unwell. At the same time, according to the study, the people…

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Couples should consider shared long term care insurance

Long Term Care Insurance

Financial protection is less expensive when this option is selected. Though many people know that long term care insurance is a highly important element of financial protection, and that most will require it in their retirement, the cost of this coverage stops many people who should have it from buying it. Shared care is, therefore, becoming much more popular among married couples due to the savings it offers. With these joint LTC policies, a couple is able to purchase benefits that are combined between them and that can be used…

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California commissioner announces new legislation for long term care insurance

Long Term Care Insurance

AB 999 has been passed by a vote of five to three. The California Department of Insurance has issued a press release that detailed Commissioner Dave Jones’s announcement regarding the passing of AB 999, which was authored by Assembly Aging and Long Term Care Committee Chair, Mariko Yamada (D-Davis). Commissioner Jones had sponsored the bill, as did the California Department of Insurance. It has been written to increase consumer protection from the risk of excessive premium rate volatility, through the modification of the existing calculation process for the rates for…

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Younger consumers are buying – and benefitting from – long term care coverage

Building Insurance Costs

Linked long term care coverage is starting to appeal to a younger audience due to claims with large payouts. In order to maintain coverage against the high costs of long term care, a growing number of national insurers are now offering a combination product that includes life insurance with the option for LTC benefits. This information was drawn from the 2012 Buyer Study, which was performed by the national trade group, the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance. These products that offer linked benefits (also known as combination policies) are…

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Unique options for the U.S. long term care situation

With medical care costs still skyrocketing, many older adults are concerned about whether they need to have long-term care insurance (LTCI). This insurance was created to cover “long-term” type care that would not be covered by Medicare or other regular health insurance policies. There are affordable LTCI plans, and there are other options you should know about as well.  In the state of the economy, people are wondering if they really need to continue to pay for insurance that may, or may not be needed as they get older. Long-term…

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