Insurance plays a vital part in protecting people against accidents, catastrophes, and illnesses to make sure that they and their families do not suffer tremendous financial hardships should any of those circumstances occur. However, many are hesitant to obtain policies because they feel that they cannot trust an agent or insurer. In the United States, the number of individual life policies that are purchased every year has fallen by 45 percent over the last quarter century, even though the number of households that include children has risen by more than…
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Combination life insurance product sales skyrocket to $1.2 billion
The results of a LIMRA research study have shown that the sale of combination life insurance skyrocketed in 2010, with sales rising by 62% to reach $1.2 billion. According to research actuary Catherine Ho, from LIMRA, this 2010 increase in the overall sales of combination life insurance products was significant, especially when considering that there had already been growth in the double digits in 2009. In a LIMRA press release, Ho stated that “In addition to carriers boosting their marketing campaigns, consumers’ growing desire for an alternative to stand-alone long…
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