Efforts have been boosted to help to encourage this community to enroll in health plans through the online marketplace. Agents are finding that while the health insurance exchange in California has been designed to help residents of the state to be able to find the coverage that they need at a price that they can afford, and yet it remains a tough sell for many people. The primary struggle is in interesting Californians and motivating them to actually take part. According to some agents, this can be especially challenging in…
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Health care reform marketing isn’t reaching some ethnic groups
Certain communities, such as Latinos, have not been enrolling in the exchanges as much as others. According to the latest data from the health care reform enrollments, Latinos are the ethnic group in the United States that has the greatest amount to gain from purchasing insurance plans but are also the group that are among the least likely to actually sign up. At least one in every three Latinos in the United States do not have health insurance. This is a far greater rate of enrollments among the Caucasians and…
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