Insurance company technology not yet ready for IoT data use, study

Insurance company technology -Technology News On Apple Ipad Air

LexisNexis Risk Solutions released a report on some of its latest research showing the insurer struggle with new tech. A new LexisNexis Risk Solutions insurance company technology study shoes that insurers aren’t sure what to do with the IoT. The report revealed that insurance companies know the Internet of Things is important. However, they don’t know how to use it for data collection and other purposes. Even though it seems as though the IoT could be the insurance industry’s best tool, it still baffles. IoT could potentially become highly effective…

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Insurance news is undergoing a massive evolution from technology

Insurance news technology internet of things

The Internet of Things (IoT) is expected to be a driving force behind massive changes to the industry. Technology has been making insurance news for many years, but it is only of late that the changes have been at an exponential rate, as smart devices have become a typical part of the average household, and as the Internet of Things begins its own expansion. The solutions offered by the IoT can be as simple and practical as they are personalized. This means that insurance news generated by the IoT is…

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