Insurance is perhaps one of those expenses you wished you could avoid. Sometimes premiums go up, and it can be painful to dish out the money without a quantifiable product given at the time. It can seem like one of those expensive necessities. Talk to your insurance broker Perth for information on insurance premiums and coverage. But is your insurance premium actually expensive? What about compared to the rest of Australia? Better yet, where in Australia is insurance – on average – the most expensive? The answer is… Northern Australia…
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4 Compelling Reasons to Get Insurance as a Manufacturer
Manufacturing should be just about the lowest risk activity going, right? Transforming materials into objects should be a very easy thing to carry out according to plan, in theory. In practice, there are lots of hiccups and disasters that can scupper a manufacturer’s best-laid plans. It is important to take out comprehensive insurance in the manufacturing industry. Here are just a few of the reasons why. Material Inconsistencies Can Cause Huge Disruption A manufacturing operation is reliant upon the materials you can get ahold of. No matter how well-trained your…
Read More5 Signs You Are Dealing with an Unprofessional Medical Malpractice Insurance Company
Medical malpractice insurance is an insurance product specifically designed for medical professionals including doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals. At its core, medical malpractice insurance is similar to the professional liability insurance policies that businesses get to protect themselves from consumer lawsuits. Much like liability insurance, medical malpractice insurance helps doctors and other healthcare professionals to cover the cost of lawsuits filed by patients. Importance of Picking a Trusted Insurance Partner Medical malpractice insurance companies have the supremely complicated job of understanding the intricacies of medical care, insurance, and legal…
Read MoreProfessional Claims Solutions (PCS) Investigation Leads to Insurance Fraud Arrest/Conviction in Passaic County
Professional Claims Solutions (PCS) VCWC (Video Camera and Witness Canvass) Investigation uncovered a staged pedestrian accident. PCS conducted a thorough Video Surveillance Canvass and located a camera over two blocks away on a Passaic Housing Authority building that captured the staged accident. Upon the completion of the investigation, the individual depicted in the below video link was subsequently arrested and prosecuted for ‘Insurance Fraud’ by Passaic County Prosecutor’s Office. These types of investigations and companies like PCS are playing a major role in keeping insurance premiums as low as possible. Having video of an…
Read MoreInsurance industry social media can define an agent’s success
A massive generation of consumers depends on social and mobile but many agents and brokers aren’t keeping up. From the point of view of the Millennial generation, insurance industry social media is, for the most part, lacking. Sure, the large insurers all have their own Facebook page and Twitter accounts, but many agents and brokers don’t. Failing to provide even the most basic experience on social platforms can be a critical mistake. The main problem with insurance industry social media is that the presence simply isn’t there when it should…
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