This lack of understanding means many people don’t value it as highly as they might with information. Most tenants are aware that renters insurance coverage exists, and while most done realize how affordable it actually is, even more don’t realize how much coverage they receive within the bounds of one standard policy. Many people believe these policies are meant exclusively to cover stolen or damaged possessions. The reason renters insurance coverage is often interpreted this way is that it is also often known as contents insurance. This implies that the…
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The Average Monthly Cost of Renters Insurance
If you are a tenant, it is imperative that you invest in renters insurance to protect your personal property. While the landlord does carry insurance to cover the property, renters insurance is designed to cover potential claims that can affect you as a tenant. Personal property, loss of use, and liability coverage are the most common coverage options offered by a renter’s insurance contract. If you understand what these specialized property insurance contracts cover and how much you can expect to pay for coverage, you will get peace of mind…
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