Missouri officials report recovery of $5 million from shady insurers, money to be returned to policyholders

The Insurance Department of Missouri has released their latest quarterly report regarding several issues with the state’s insurance industry. The state has been wracked with an onslaught of consumer complaints for the past three months, after devastating tornadoes tuck their toll in the towns of Joplin and St. Louis. These complaints spurred the Insurance Department to investigate several claims that were filed as well as the operations of some of the insurance companies operating in the state. While the report highlights a number of issues within the insurance industry, it…

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Advocacy groups in Massachusetts call for a yearlong freeze on rising insurance rates

Massachusetts legislators are currently working with leaders in the state’s insurance industry to change how residents pay for health care. Meanwhile, two consumer advocacy groups have been vehement in their cries for a one-year reprieve from premiums increases. Residents of Massachusetts have been struggling with rampant rises in the cost of insurance coverage. Rising rates have forced some to make significant cuts in their budget to be able to afford coverage while others are now living without any insurance. Today, the Massachusetts State House will play host to a rally…

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Two new Kansas car insurance bills become law

Two new bills have been signed into law in Kansas that will make changes to the state’s auto insurance regulations. The first imposes a strict limit of the recovery rights of uninsured motorists. The second prohibits cities from levying charges against drivers and their insurers for any emergency response services required after an accident. The bills were signed into law by Governor Sam Brownback, a supporter who believes they will benefit both insurers and residents. The first law, passed late last week, is referred to as “no pay, no play”…

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