Auto insurance digital proof cards legal in Illinois

Proof of Auto Insurance

The state has now passed a law that allows drivers to use their smartphones to prove their coverage. Drivers in Illinois will soon be able to choose whether they would like to prove that they have auto insurance using the traditional printed cards or whether they would rather use their smartphones to display a digital copy of this information. Some believe that this could mean that they days of digging through glove compartments may soon be over. On Friday, the bill to allow the digital auto insurance proof in Illinois…

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Auto insurance minimum requirements may rise in Illinois

Illinois Auto Insurance

The General Assembly is waiting for the governor to decide whether or not he will sign off on it. The last time that Illinois established a minimum mandatory auto insurance level for motorists was in 1989, at which time $20,000 was felt to be sufficient coverage for liability coverage. However, over the years, that amount has been able to cover a decreasing portion of medical bills for people injured in accidents. Nearly a quarter of a century later, the state is now passing legislation to increase the required liability auto…

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Auto insurance minimum may raise in Illinois

Questionable tow and glass claims run rampant

Drivers who carry the smallest amount of coverage may find that they will soon be paying more. The Illinois House has just passed legislation that would increase the minimum liability coverage required in auto insurance that must be carried by drivers within the state, meaning that these motorists could be paying higher premiums beginning in 2015. The minimum will be increasing for the amount that is covered to pay for the injuries of other people. The auto insurance minimums will rise to $25,000 for injury or death of one person,…

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