Homeowners insurance from Citizens may be getting pricier (again)

Louisiana homeowners insurance news

Louisiana residents with this coverage may soon be paying more for their coverage later in 2016. Residents of Louisiana who purchase the homeowners insurance of last resort in the state may soon find that their rates are going to be higher than they had been last year, if Citizens gains approval for an increase request that they have submitted. The increases wouldn’t go into effect until later this year, but property owners should prepare themselves. Should the homeowners insurance rate increases be approved, it will be residents of Terrebonne and…

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Homeowners insurance may be getting pricier for those affected by Storm Desmond

UK Flood homeowners Insurance companies Flood Re Plan

Residents of parts of the U.K. that suffered from flooding may soon be seeing higher premiums, too. People living in the parts of Cumbria in the United Kingdom, which have been stricken by flooding following Storm Desmond may soon have further unwanted news as it is expected that homeowners insurance rates will likely rise in that area as a result of the losses that were recorded. As of yet, it is too early to predict exactly how much the storm will be costing the insurance industry. In the U.K., an…

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Massachusetts lawmaker aims to stop homeowners insurance rate increases

Massachusetts homeowners Insurance

After the losses from last winter that were greater than $1 billion, insurers have received approval for hikes. Although a decision has already been made to approve the homeowners insurance rates hikes that were requested by some of the top insurers in Massachusetts, the chairman of the Division of Insurance state Senate committee is now seeking to have that decision reconsidered by opening hearings to determine if those increases are truly justified. This is focused primarily on the rate increases approved for two of the largest insurers in the state.…

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Florida homeowners insurance expensive despite decade without a hurricane

Florida Homeowners Insurance

The season for these major storms has now come to a close but rates still aren’t dropping. The official close to the hurricane season was on Monday, but even though there hasn’t been one that has struck Florida in ten years, homeowners insurance rates remain high and many are wondering why they aren’t falling due to the improvements in natural disaster damage. Insurance companies have stated that the reason doesn’t have to do with storm frequency as much as building cost. The price of building materials has been rising very…

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Insurance rates in Detroit head skyward with the city’s firefighting downgrade

detroit michigan insurance rates

As the struggling city’s Fire Department faces considerable problems, homeowners are forced to pay more. The Detroit Fire Department has been facing some serious struggles over the last while and this ongoing trend has now developed into an expensive one for homeowners whose insurance rates are being hiked as a result. When it comes to the homeowners rates being charged across Michigan, Detroit already has the highest. That being said, homeowners insurance rates are going to be increased yet again when an analysis conducted by an organization that examines the…

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