Is the lack of flood insurance coverage the next coverage crisis for California?

Flood insurance - Home on life preserver - California crisis

Thousands of homes may be at risk of flooding, but few are covered against this type of catastrophe. Though we tend to think of wildfires as the main risk to property owners in California, climate change and a majority of homes without flood insurance could create an entirely new crisis in coming years. Many predictions indicate that sea level is expected to rise in many areas of the country, including California. Places like the Bay Area are considered to be at particular risk of this future development. Thousands of families…

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Higher cost of flood insurance causes massive coverage dropping trend

Flood insurance - Goodbye - beach

FEMA’s program overhaul in 2021 sent prices skyward, causing hundreds of thousands to drop out. In 2021, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) conducted an overhaul of its National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) to encourage homeowners to purchase coverage due to the more precise risk their property faced from flooding. So far, the result appears to be rising rates and hundreds of thousands of people dropping existing coverage. Homeowners that had been purchasing their flood insurance coverage through FEMA have widely dropped their policies, leading to a concerning number of…

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