Saving on Insurance: Six Tips for Lowing Your Homeowner’s Insurance

cost of Homeowners Insurance

Looking to save money on your home insurance? The price you pay for insurance is not fixed. If you need to lower your monthly payments, there are several ways to do so.   Shop Around Not all insurance companies are created equal. You can save a bundle by calling different insurance companies for quotes. You may find a different company who can offer you the exact same level of protection for a significantly reduced rate. Raise Your Deductible If you are in a low-risk area, you can save money by raising…

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High-deductible health insurance enrollees are on the increase

High-deductible health insurance enrollees are on the increase

With a down economy, Americans are changing their health insurance plans to those with higher deductibles, but lower premiums. Health Care Professionals are concerned that patients will not get their routine care, possibly causing serious ailments going undiagnosed.  In the long run, this could cost more money because they may end up in the hospital or emergency room. According to Kaiser Family Foundation and the Health Research and Educational Trust’s survey, since 2006, the number of employees with high-deductible plans has almost tripled in companies with less than 200 employees.…

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