NEW YORK, December 5, 2011 – A vast majority of New York State’s small business owners are giving two thumbs up to health insurance exchanges as a viable way to provide health insurance to their employees, according to a statewide survey commissioned by HealthPass New York, a NYC-based commercial health insurance exchange. The survey also found that exchanges have the potential to change the health care marketplace in New York at a time when many small business owners are struggling to keep afloat. HealthPass New York commissioned Hudson TG to…
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New York to look into the benefits of a health insurance exchange
New York legislators are moving ahead with plans to lay the foundation of a health insurance exchange. Though the state Legislature has not yet passed any legislation making an exchange possible, lawmakers and insurance regulators are looking to prepare the state for what they believe is an inevitable system. New York has until 2014 to build an exchange system or risk having the federal government rake over the program. To date, New York has received more than $38 million in federal grants to work on implementing an exchange. In June,…
Read MoreNew autism insurance law enacted in New York brings coverage to families in need
Insurers in New York must now offer coverage for autism thanks to a new law signed by Governor Cuomo. The old law required insurers to offer only limited coverage for certain forms of autism, but the new law expands that requirement. Governor Cuomo says that the law will help families managing autism to find insurance that is right for their circumstance. New York is the 29th state to adopt such a law, which has been backed by several advocacy groups in the state. Autism treatment can often cost families more…
Read MoreExcellus of New York files for rate increases, cites soaring health care costs
Excellus Blue Cross Blue Shield of New York has approached state insurance regulators for approval to raise its health insurance rates. The proposal is planned to take effect next year and will impose a 19.5% increase on some of the policies in the state. The company says that the increase is necessary in order to keep up with soaring medical costs. This is the same reasoning that prevails amongst the majority of the nation’s health insurers, but the notion has yet to gain traction amongst lawmakers, who have been tasked…
Read MoreHopes of change with New York health insurance exchange in place
In accordance with the Affordable Care Act passed last year, the state of New York is seeking to create a new agency that will run a federally mandated health insurance exchange. The state has long sought to find a means of providing coverage to some 2.5 million of its uninsured residents. Despite years of effort, officials have never been able to bring that number down. Many New Yorkers are hoping that the coming exchange will alleviate some of the difficulty in obtaining comprehensive coverage at a reasonable price, but still…
Read MoreNew Jersey: Government run health plan looking to close their doors
In New Jersey, hundreds of cities and school districts have saved a fortune by taking part in the state’s relatively unknown benefits program. For the past three years, an increasing number of people are dropping the insurance policies they bought from big name companies in favor of the state’s program. Some legislators are looking to change that by proposing a new bill that could severely inhibit the program. Stephen M. Sweeney, the State Senate president, is proposing legislation that would prohibit the state run insurance program from accepting new members.…
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