Employers with religious objections are now better able to seek exemption for birth control coverage on employee plans. Hillary Clinton has expressed that she feels “very bewildered and confused” regarding the ruling that was made by the supreme court that will allow companies that have religious objections to providing their workers with birth control coverage on their health insurance plans to find it easier to avoid offering them. Only days after the Hobby Lobby was issued, the court ruled in favor of allowing for-profit employers to seek exemption. The top…
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Health insurance for same sex couples in Indiana causing confusion
Since a judge struck down the unconstitutional ban on gay marriage on Wednesday, hundreds have been married. While those hundreds of new same sex couples have been legally married in Indiana, they still face some confusion regarding health insurance benefits, as the state continues to await the decision regarding Attorney General Greg Zoeller’s filing for a stay. Until that decision is made these newlyweds don’t know whether their health benefits cover each other. At the moment, there does not appear to be any clear answer to whether or not the…
Read MoreIllinois launches new initiative to promote health insurance
State aims to encourage enrollment into its insurance exchange As the open enrollment period for state and federal exchanges in the U.S. approaches its end, many states are now making concerted efforts to boost enrollment rates in these exchanges. Per the Affordable Care Act, the open enrollment period is set to end on March 31. After this time, consumers will no longer be able to apply for health insurance coverage through exchanges until a new open enrollment period begins. New initiative aims to help inform consumers about the services available…
Read MoreHealth care reforms too expensive for California State students
Uninsured students are claiming that they’d like to purchase the coverage but it costs too much. According to the results of a poll that were recently released, students from California State University would like to be able to sign up for coverage under the health care reforms, but they believe that it is too expensive. The survey showed that this is the primary reason that students there have avoided enrollment so far. The research involved the responses of 836 students from the university, among whom at least 80 percent said…
Read MoreInsurance industry changes ahead with legalized marijuana
There will be a number of differences on their way, and within more than one sector. From the moment that marijuana was legalized in the United States, some of the largest cannabis derived food and drug developers saw their shares skyrocket, as other sectors, such as the insurance industry, began a notable transformation in several directions. This legislation affects policies, companies providing related services, and even equipment producers. What had previously been an environment that was completely in the black market has now emerged to implicate everything from the insurance…
Read MoreHealthcare reform experts recommend double checking health insurance status
Now that HealthCare.gov is repaired, consumers who previously purchased plans are urged to verify enrollment. The White House has now declared the federal health insurance exchange to be fully up and running, but is also recommending that individuals who enrolled in this part of the healthcare reform ahead of the fixes, should check to ensure that they truly do have the coverage they believe that they purchased. Those who enrolled online through the exchange while the errors are still present may not be enrolled after all. Although the largest public…
Read MoreHealthcare reforms continue to be made as HHS delays enrollment deadline
Consumers who shop for their coverage using the federal exchange will now have another week. Americans who are shopping around for health insurance through the use of the federal exchange website will now be provided with an extension on the previous deadline, as new healthcare reforms have granted them until December 23 in order to sign up on the site and obtain the benefits required to comply with the individual mandate starting on January 1, 2014. This, according to an announcement recently made by the Department of Health and Human…
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