Your health is the most valuable thing you will ever own. You, therefore, need to do whatever it takes to ensure that it is protected. There is no better way to do so than by investing in a good health insurance coverage, which not only provides you financial support but also affects your health positively and gives you peace of mind knowing that everything is covered regardless of what happens. So many individuals do not have health insurance coverage, and that is because they view it as a super expensive…
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Employer insurance trends are not impacted by the health care reform as expected
While many had believed that companies would drop their coverage, research is showing that this is not the case. Researchers from the Urban Institute have recently released the results of a new study that has been published online in the Health Affairs journal, showing that while many had expected insurance trends from employers to include the dropping of coverage for their workers as a result of the health care reform, this has not been the case. The Affordable Care Act has not been leading swathes of companies to drop their…
Read MoreInsurance plan loophole nearly closed
The government is coming close to stopping employers from being able to offer substandard coverage. Insurance plan consultants were recently surprised to discover that under the rules of the Affordable Care Act, employers are capable of offering policies to their employees for next year that do not include hospital benefits. This has caused the administration to take action to correct an official calculator for approving of insurance policies. Officials from the Treasury Department are now working on changing the path of an official calculator that gives approval to various types…
Read MoreSame sex insurance stopping amendment vetoed by Starkville mayor
Parker Wiseman has ensured that city employees would be able to purchase health plans for domestic partners. The mayor of Starkville, Mississippi, Parker Wiseman, has now vetoed on a board amendment that had withdrawn part of a same sex insurance policy that would have given city employees the ability to purchase health plans for domestic partners. The original insurance news had been that the city would no longer cover same sex domestic partners. Immediately after the decision of the board, which was a 4 to 2 vote, to revoke the…
Read MoreAon Hewitt introduces new corporate health insurance exchange
Aon Hewitt provides alternative to state-run and federal health insurance exchanges Health insurance exchanges are on their way, thanks to the Affordable Care Act, but many of the country’s small and mid-sized businesses are still concerned for what these systems could mean for them. Health insurance exchanges are designed primarily with consumers in mind, not businesses. As such, many of the concerns some businesses are having concerning the changing landscape of health insurance go unaddressed. Aon Hewitt, the human resources and health benefits consultancy division of the Aon Corporation, has…
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