Safe drivers may be facing significantly higher auto insurance rates There are many factors that go into determine auto insurance rates. Driving history, place of residence, credit score, and age can all be used to determine the price of a policy for a particular individual. Those with good driving records, typically known as safe drivers, are often considered to be charged the absolute lowest auto insurance rates possible. This is not the case, according to the Consumer Federation of America. The consumer advocacy group has released a new study that…
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Consumer Watchdog chastises California’s Mercury Insurance for supposed illegal practices
Mercury is looking to raise its auto insurance rates by $89 million in California, a move that consumer advocates are calling “illegal.” Consumer Watchdog, a group concerned with making the California insurance industry more consumer friendly, claims that the insurer is looking to pass a new law that would allow it to raise rates for good drivers that have, simply, not driven for a period of time for any reason. Mercury Chairman George Joseph claims that the legislation the company is backing would save policyholders money, but Consumer Watchdog calls such…
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