When it comes to car insurance, there is a lot of incorrect information out there. From misunderstandings about how policy terms work to differences in state coverage options, many drivers aren’t clear about what is and is not true. Here’s one of the most common confusion points drivers have: is my car totaled if the airbags deploy? Airbag deployment does not always cause a car to be fully totaled, but that certainly can happen in some cases. The exact line where this happens is complicated. Today, learn more about what…
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New Survey from Harbor Life Settlements Reveals Knowledge Gaps That May Be Costing Life Insurance Policyholders
Harbor Life Settlements, a company dedicated to helping people unlock the value of their life insurance by making the life settlement process straightforward and transparent, today announced the key results of its 2020 Life Settlement & Retirement Survey. Harbor Life conducted a national survey of 1,702 U.S. adults to better understand people’s knowledge of life insurance benefits and options, with the goal of uncovering insights that help individuals make better decisions around financial and retirement planning. Overall, Harbor Life’s study revealed that while 70% of U.S. adults have life insurance,…
Read MoreGap insurance is on its way back
This additional coverage is gaining popularity among people with high deductible health plans. Before the Affordable Care Act, gap insurance plans had been quite commonplace. However, after the health insurance exchanges opened for business, it looked as though those additional plans were fading away. At the moment, it looks as though those gap plans are starting to make quite the comeback. As the premiums for insurance plans continue to rise, more people are looking to save money by choosing cheaper coverage. They are opting for high deductible health insurance in…
Read MoreAllstate auto insurance to cover rideshare drivers
People who are driving with the use of app based services like Uber will now have the insurer’s coverage available. Allstate auto insurance offerings will now be including coverage for drivers who will be using apps such as Uber and Lyft in order to pick up ride sharing passengers in order to earn an income. The auto insurance coverage will come with an average premium of between $15 and $20 per year. The announcement about the new type of Allstate auto insurance policy also explained that the goal of the…
Read MoreCancer insurance is helping to plug some coverage holes
This type of voluntary benefits is among a growing number of gap coverage being purchased by Americans. Employers and individuals, alike, are starting to look into a type of coverage product known as volunteer benefits – such as cancer insurance – which can help to fill the gaps present in some of the most popular health plans. These are rising in popularity as people start to see that a number of critical illnesses can still run up huge expenses. While cancer insurance is far from the only product in the…
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