Certain residents of Michigan have recently received letters from their mortgage companies, informing them that they will be required to purchase flood insurance, or that coverage will be bought on their behalf. This is the result of a newly mapped flood plain by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and affects the residents of the Frank and Poet Drain, who are currently in an uproar over the sudden cost. Since February 2012, when the new Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) went into effect, there has been a much larger area…
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“Superstorm” strikes Alaska – Severe damage from wind and floods expected by insurers
The National Weather Service has issued a warning to Alaska for what it is calling “The Bering Sea Superstorm” The storm made landfall in the Western parts of the state earlier today, bringing powerful waves and hurricane-force winds. The National Weather Service fears that the storm may cause extensive damage to coastal properties as well as power outages throughout the state. Alaska’s insurance industry will likely be busy for the remainder of the year as it attempts to recover from the event. According to the NWS, winds of 89mph and…
Read MoreNorth Carolina insurance official calls for insurers to re-evaluate claims from Hurricane Irene
Two North Carolina officials are petitioning the state’s insurance industry to return to areas impacted by Hurricane Irene in the hopes of resolving claims before winter comes in full force. Insurance Commissioner Wayne Goodwin, along with Bob Etheridge, an advisor for Governor Beverly Perdue during August’s hurricane, have written a formal appeal to FEMA to have insurers return to the state and assists with additional claims. The insurers being asked to return to the state are part of the National Flood Insurance Program, which provides insurance coverage for many households…
Read MoreNorth Dakota residents may need to purchase flood insurance as FEMA’s flood map grows to include 7,500 homes
As FEMA prepares to release its revised flood maps the agency is issuing information to states that may be affected by the changes. North Dakota has recently received such information, which may have more people clamoring for insurance coverage when the flood map is released. FEMA’s flood maps are important to both home owners and insurance companies in order to determine the necessity and value of flood insurance. With major storms causing widespread flood damage, FEMA has been keen to make changes that are meant to help people protect their…
Read MoreMissouri insurance agents vent frustrations over FEMA’s handling of flood insurance
In the states struggling to mitigate the damage caused by the flooding Missouri River, insurance agents are railing against FEMA. Agents claim that federal officials are at fault for causing widespread confusion amongst property owners by pressuring them to purchase flood insurance. The main issue is that these hastily solicited policies may not provide the coverage necessary to protect homeowners from the flooding river. Furthermore, several insurance companies in the affected area say that federal officials have been pressuring insurance agents to sell policies that specifically exclude any damage caused…
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