Group disability insurance is a form of protection for a group of people who are connected in some way – such as through an organization such as a trade association or employer – and covers the individuals from the losses to which they are exposed in the case of illness or an injury from an accident. Group disability insurance is typically less expensive than a policy purchased by an individual, though it should be noted that the benefits are limited to a maximum monthly income and a certain length of…
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Pregnancy disability insurance in California has been extended
New legislation in California will mean that employers will be required to extend their pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical condition, disability insurance coverage for workers for up to up to 16 weeks. Senate Bill 299 was signed into law by Governor Jerry Brown and will become effective on January 1, 2012. It will require employers to provide continuous health insurance coverage for up to 16 weeks for workers that are disabled due to pregnancy on the same grounds as they would before a they had taken any leave of disability.…
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