The Narendra Modi government’s scheme was highly popular when it first launched but is getting smaller. India’s crop insurance program first launched two years ago. At that time, it was tremendously celebrated and highly popular. That said, this year it has experienced negative growth. The reason is that its coverage area has dropped to 24 percent of the gross cropped area (GCA) from 2017 to 2018. This is considerably smaller than the 2016 to 2017 year when it had been 30 percent of the GCA. The target for the crop…
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Crop insurance program, food stamps prepare for “significant” budget cuts
The USDA is getting ready for sizeable funding cuts for social and rural programs. With the proposed Trump administration budget has come a threat to many USDA services, including the crop insurance program. That coverage risks significant reductions, as do food stamps, and rural development programs, among others. The proposed cuts to the crop insurance program and others operated through the USDA are far from modest. “I don’t think there’s any reason to try to sugar coat this,” said Sonny Perdue, USDA secretary. “I’ve communicated with our team at USDA…
Read MoreCrop insurance coverage spared 21,000 jobs in drought-plagued 2012
A new Farm Credit Services of America reported the employment savings across four U.S. states. Farm Credit Services of America recently published a report about the difference crop insurance coverage made in the United States during 2012. That year, despite the worst droughts experienced in 2 decades, the insurance policies saved almost 21,000 jobs across four states. The 20-page report provides a breakdown offering insight regarding the crop insurance program history. The crop insurance coverage analysis dates back to the program’s beginning in the 1930s. It started with the Great…
Read MoreNew crop insurance program to protect Indian farmers from cost of damage
The new strategy will be launched early in 2016 and will use technology to assess damage to fields. In what might turn out to be the first major step taken by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in addressing rural struggles, a crop insurance program is set to launch in early 2016 in order to help to protect farmers against the costs of damage to their fields and, therefore, their revenues. The program will use technology such as drones in order to conduct more accurate damage assessments. Over the last few…
Read MoreGrowers are running out of time before the crop insurance deadline
The Risk Management Agency of the USDA is reminding farmers that they need to act soon, if they haven’t already. A crop insurance reminder has been issued by the Risk Management Agency (RMA) at the USDA to growers in Alabama who intend to purchase coverage, as the deadline of September 30 is coming up quickly. The deadline applies to the coverage available for a range of different types of crops in different counties. For instance, the crop insurance deadline includes policies in Limestone County for canola, as well as for…
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