Life insurance for federal employees may soon be more expensive

Life Insurance Contracts

Some workers may find that their rates will be rising, but others will be seeing them fall. Just as federal employees just faced an increase in the premiums that they pay for long term care coverage, they have now discovered that some life insurance rates may also be rising for their policies in 2016. This latest change in insurance rates will affect a much wider number of people, as many opt out of LTC. According to the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), while some people will be seeing a rise…

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Life insurance lacking among middle aged Americans

Life Insurance Payment

Recent research has shown that the struggling economy is holding many back from coverage. According to a recent study, millions of middle aged Americans are choosing not to obtain life insurance as a result of the shaky economy in the country that is creating a lack of stability in their own personal financial situations. Research has indicated that the average American’s savings is sitting at a mere $3,000. Beyond the lack of savings, the economic uncertainty has indicated that an even larger number of people are finding themselves in a…

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Life insurance companies changing perspective on cancer survivors

Life Insurance

The industry is discovering that the odds for victims of this disease are improving. Cancer survivors are now finding that it is easier than it has ever been to be able to purchase life insurance, when not very long ago it was considered to be nearly out of the question. Medicine has come a long way and is changing the outlook for survivors of this disease and their coverage options. It wasn’t that long ago that a diagnosis of cancer was the same as a death sentence, but that is…

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Life insurance customers in India pay 56 percent more if they smoke

nonsmokers homeowners insurance

Non-smokers in the country pay less than half than their counterparts do within that country. The research from Aviva Life Insurance in India has revealed that when a 10 year term plan is purchased by a smoker in India, he or she pays 56 percent more than his or her nonsmoking counterparts. This is because the habit has been identified as increasing a large number of health risks among policyholders. Term plans are the form where only the life insurance amount is paid at the time of a policyholder’s death…

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Life insurance will be experiencing higher premiums for term policies

Life Insurance News

In an environment with low interest rates, the cost of the coverage is on its way up. According to the data that has been released by an online life insurance comparison agency, term policies are becoming more expensive and are slightly more difficult to find than they used to be. This news comes after a decade in which prices had been consistently plummeting to record lows. However, the latest research from IntelliQuote has shown that the premiums that are being quoted for term life insurance policies increased by an average…

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