Having a higher insurance rate will begin to eat into your company’s profits. Even with costs on the rise, you can’t avoid the price of insurance, but you can take active measures to lower the cost of your fleet. The claims will often cause a substantial rise in the price of insurance, and reducing your accidents will prove the most effective way to keep your premiums lower. Maintain Ongoing Assessments Data, the invaluable assistant of every fleet manager, will provide you with accurate and relevant information to make expert risk…
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Auto insurance rates increase as gas prices drop
There are many reasons that premiums can fluctuate, but this winter it isn’t the storms as much as the affordability. Most drivers see a drop in the price at the pump as being a fantastic way to save money, and this can even encourage more people to head out onto the roads and city streets because it is seen as more affordable, but most also have not taken their auto insurance rates into account. As much as the gas prices, themselves, don’t cause auto insurance to become more expensive, road…
Read MoreCar Insurance Shopping: Five Things You Must Compare
What you need to know when shopping for car insurance… Shopping for car insurance can be intimidating simply because there are so many car insurance companies to choose from. To help you determine which car insurance company offers the best premiums to meet your needs, there are five things you must compare between insurance companies including stability, customer service and claim handling, roadside response and repair, policy flexibility and any benefits or discounts offered to consumers as part of an insurance policy. Stability An important deciding factor in the type…
Read MoreAmerican auto insurance marketplace competitiveness underlined by I.I.I. using research findings
Quotes vary enormously showing significant difference in risk assessment by insurers. The Insurance Information Institute (I.I.I.) has used the findings of a recent survey to determine that American drivers in low and moderate income ranges can greatly benefit from the high level of competition in the auto insurance marketplace. At the same time, the Consumer Federation of America (CFA) is seeking to find out why quotes vary so much. According to the I.I.I. president, Dr. Robert Hartwig, who is also an economist, the answer to that question isn’t complicated. “The…
Read MoreStudy suggests that auto insurance may be too expensive for low income drivers.
A new study from the Consumer Federation of America (CFA), a consumer advocacy group, suggests that auto insurance is too expensive for the poorest Americans to afford. CFA claims that this is to bias seen in the insurance industry despite the fact that insurers cannot base prices solely on a person’s income. In most states, however, insurers can use socio-economic information to price policies, which directly correlates to income. This could be a major problem in states in which auto insurance is mandatory for all drivers. The study shows that,…
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