20,000 California doctors see a decrease in their business insurance premiums

Medical Malpractice Insurance

Rate regulation decreases these rates by an additional $21 million. Should a pending ballot initiative pass, patients in California will receive the same level of protection against health insurance premiums that are deemed unfair as doctors are receiving through their business insurance. The Department of Insurance in the state has announced that it will also be using its prior approval rate regulation authority to decrease the premiums for medical malpractice insurance for the approximately 20,000 medical professionals who are covered by The Doctors Company. The decrease in rates should total…

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California health insurance rate regulation to save medical industry $23 million


A rate regulation for California health insurance that was implemented about two months ago has already managed to save doctors and other medical care and service providers approximately $23 million from excessive premiums for malpractice coverage. This regulation was put into place by the California Department of Insurance and has managed to decrease the premiums that these medical professionals must pay by eliminating unjustified amounts that were being added to their malpractice coverage costs. The regulation authority put the rule into place by using prior approval. That said, while it…

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Consumer Watchdog proposes new ballot initiative to curb health insurance rate hikes

California health insurance industry being eyeballed Consumer Watchdog, a non-profit advocacy group focused on the insurance industry, has proposed a new ballot initiative to the California Legislature that would put a stop on rising health insurance premiums. The organization claims that the state’s largest insurance companies have increased premiums by 20% since April 1, 2012. Consumer Watchdog suggests that these companies will raise rates a second time in May, and increase that will likely be 20% again. These higher rates have affected more than 1 million Californians, many of whom…

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Consumer Watchdog Campaign opposes Anthem Blue Cross insurance rate increases in California

Anthem Blue Cross has announced that they will be increasing insurance rates by as much as 20 percent for the health coverage paid for by almost 600,000 people in California by May 1, 2012. Consumer Watchdog Campaign released a statement that said that a ballot initiative for boosting the affordability of health insurance through the regulation of hikes in premiums is vital to protecting people in California from excessive increases. This ballot initiative would require insurers to provide a public justification of changes that they make to their rates, under…

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Doctors save $19 million in malpractice insurance due to insurance rate regulation

The California Department of Insurance has revealed that there has been a total savings of approximately $19 million on the medical malpractice insurance premiums of medical care providers such as doctors and dentists, as the result of the rate regulation authority approval in that state geared toward reducing unjustified premiums. Equally, though, Consumer Watchdog Campaign has pointed out that the same protection for patients is being opposed by a doctors’ group. The Consumer Watchdog Campaign has been questioning the undisclosed links to the insurance industry of the leaders of the…

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