All About Flood Insurance – What you need to know

Flood insurance marketplace - Digital Insurance

Floods occur in every state in the United States. Recent flooding in Colorado resulted in multiple fatalities and property damage estimated at more than two billion dollars. Amidst the tragedy there are reports that 10 to 25 percent of Colorado homes have separate flood insurance policies. Six percent of the 77,000 detached homes in oulder County had flood insurance, only 2.3 percent of El Paso County single-family homes (170,000) had insurance for floods, and only 1.5 percent of Larimer County’s 90,000 homes were covered against floods. Flood insurance is an…

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Importance of flood insurance highlighted in Colorado

Flood Insurance

Colorado disaster draws attention to flood insurance The importance of flood insurance coverage has again been exemplified in Colorado. The state has fallen victim to heavy rainfall, which has sparked floods in many densely populated communities. Record-breaking rainfall and the steep mountains found throughout the state created a major flooding disaster for residents of Larimer and Boulder counties. Thousands of homeowners were evacuated from some communities, returning to find that their properties were uninhabitable. Moreover, many of these homeowners found that their homes were not protected because of their lack…

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