Health insurance costs for young cancer survivors are proving overwhelming


Many are skipping follow-up care as they are finding the expense to be prohibitive. A recent health insurance study has shown that young people who have survived cancer are commonly deciding not to take part in follow-up care because they are not able to afford the associated costs. The results of this research were published in the Cancer journal. The study examined the care progress of survivors of cancer between the ages of 20 and 39 years old. What they determined was that 67 percent who had never had a…

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Using wellness benefits to their best advantage in 2012

High Risk Health Insurance

Many forms of health coverage, offer benefits for “wellness” and “preventive care”, which can help you to better take advantage of what is available to you in order to achieve greater health. Among the benefits of preventive coverage is that there are no co-payments, deductibles, or co-insurance payments that must be made by the policyholder, as is the case when the condition is already diagnosed and treatment must be covered. This type of benefit is seen in insurance plans either because they are required by state or federal regulations, or…

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New insurance guidelines are providing women with new healthcare opportunities

Many women are already singing the praises of the changes in the coverage regulations for women under the Obama administration’s Affordable Care Act. Since the Act went into effect, the following additional coverages for preventive services have been added for women, without deductible, co-insurance, or co-payments: • All forms of patient, sterilization procedures, and contraceptive methods that have Food and Drug Administration approval. • An annual “well-woman” preventive care visit for women. • HPV virus screening every three years for women over the age of 30. • A gestational diabetes…

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