California’s Most Significant Insurance Overhaul in 30 Years

california insurance

California is at the cusp of a seismic shift in its insurance landscape, a change that aims to reform and revitalize the state’s insurance market. Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara unveiled a sweeping set of regulatory reforms poised to overhaul Proposition 103—the foundation of California’s insurance regulations for the past three decades. Commissioner Lara’s Progressive Steps to Insurance Overhaul The upcoming reforms come as part of the commissioner’s ambition to achieve a full-scale reform by year’s end for both home and auto insurance. At the heart of Lara’s reformation strategy lies…

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Climate change impact greater than insurance industry’s capacity to offset financial risk

Climate change impact - World in water

The affects of a warming planet will prove to be too expensive for coverage alone to keep up, say analysts. The financial risks associated with the climate change impact may become greater than what the insurance industry can cover, according to a new report. Analysts say that the financial risks are growing, from investing into coal-powered plants to the climbing premiums for flood insurance, the expenses are already rising and will continue to do so. That said, the difference that firms can make to control both the risks and the…

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