Appropriate insurance coverage could be a powerful weapon in the fight against cancer Insurance coverage may be a very powerful tool in the fight against cancer, according to a new study from the Dana Farber Cancer Institute. Conventional health insurance does not typically include coverage for cancer of any kinds. This coverage most often exists as supplemental insurance and must be purchased separately from a primary insurance policy. The study shows that young adults that have been diagnosed with cancer, but have insurance coverage, tend to recover or live longer…
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Colon Cancer Awareness Month reminds individuals to obtain supplemental insurance quotes
The month of March, Colon Cancer Awareness Month… is more than halfway over, but the American Cancer Society and other organizations are still urging everyone to take a moment to find out more about this disease, to practice proper early detection screening habits, and to make a donation to help improve research and care. It is also a good time to have a look at your coverage and decide whether or not you would benefit from supplemental cancer insurance. Many are choosing to do so before the end of the…
Read MoreThe increasing cost of care for cancer patients
The National Cancer Act’s “war on cancer” went into effect forty years ago, and throughout that time, the battle has yet to be won for finding a cure. Though better treatments are becoming available, there is another problem growing for cancer patients, and that is that these treatments are not becoming any more affordable. The newest drugs can easily cost $100,000 or more for a year’s worth of treatment. Patients are being prescribed these drugs earlier on in their illness, and they are required to use them for longer periods…
Read MoreCancer Insurance Info website offers relevant info and donations to American Cancer Society
The Cancer Insurance Info website, which has already established itself as a strong provider of information and news… regarding cancer and the financial aspects of the various treatments and therapies for that disease, is now working to spread awareness about Colon Cancer Awareness Month in March, and will be making a $1 donation to the American Cancer Society throughout the entire month for every cancer insurance quote that is generated by that site. The website provides visitors with highly informative and useful articles about different forms of cancer, and the…
Read MoreEmployees look to cancer insurance to fill the gap left by employers’ high deductible health coverage
Employers in California, as well as across the country, are attempting to cut the costs… associated with the skyrocketing medical insurance premiums by choosing higher deductible health coverage that shifts some of the expense to the employees. In response, many of those employees are looking to supplemental health plans like cancer insurance as a way to fill in the gaps that are being left behind by that employer sponsored insurance. Though these efforts were not very common as recently as two years ago, they are increasingly becoming the norm. That…
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