Just by making a few tweaks, your home insurance costs can differ by hundreds of dollars. There are many variables that go into determining the costs of your home insurance and by being informed about what impacts these calculations you can make a more knowledgeable decision when purchasing your policy. An insurance broker is one of your best resources when it comes to shopping around and comparing policies, so be sure to enlist the help of yours for when you need help purchasing coverage. Also, a broker will be able…
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Canadian tornado insurance industry issues recommendations to victims
Residential areas in Canada’s capital region were struck by a massive twister this weekend. The Canadian tornado insurance industry has issued advice to the region of Ottawa, Ontario and Gatineau, Quebec, which was struck by severe weather over the weekend. The insurance industry is telling affected residents to document absolutely everything during cleanup. Severe weather has already caused nearly $1 billion in insured damage this year in the province of Ontario alone. Now, the country’s capital, Ottawa, and the city across the river from Ottawa, Gatineau, has been hit by…
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