Over the past several years, the opportunity to purchase insurance policies and make changes to current insurance coverage online has increased dramatically, and consumers today seem much more willing to head online to investigate insurance options. For individuals who have not yet purchased a policy online, it’s valuable to understand the benefits and drawbacks of each method of purchase. With the decades-long expansion of internet access across the world, insurance companies have been expanding their online policy options. Today’s consumers have an important choice to make when deciding whether to…
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Insurers need improved hybrid digital media approach to draw consumers
The behaviors and expectations of consumers shopping for insurance have changed over the last few short years, and in order to appeal to them these days, insurers will need to use a high-performance digital environment to provide an experience that brings agent interaction together with online insurance technology research capabilities. An ever increasing number of insurance companies are now discovering that the internet is the place where the majority of customer relationships begin. Customers are using digital media – such as the internet, blogs, social networking, and video – on…
Read MoreRhode Island insurance agency taps into the online market with new website and innovative marketing strategy
Mansfield Insurance Agency, a small insurance company based in Westerly, Rhode Island, is taking an interactive approach to customer service. The agency is launching a new website and digital marketing campaign and will be seeking to improve connectivity in the market. Many insurers are turning to the Internet to better care for the needs of policyholders and to make it easier to connect with potential customers. More consumers are turning to the Internet to purchase insurance, presenting a valuable opportunity to companies tapping into the market. The agency launched their…
Read MoreU.K. regulators claim aggregators putting consumers at risk
Insurance regulators in the United Kingdom have found some problems with several online insurance quote aggregators, raising concerns as to whether the companies responsible for these websites were treating customers fairly. The Financial Services Authority has found instances of compliance failure with websites dealing in home and auto insurance. The regulatory group has been reviewing this particular sector of the insurance industry for several months now in an attempt to curtail fraud. So far, 19 companies have been found as failing to adhere to regulatory rules. Investigators reportedly discovered failures…
Read MoreTrends reveal huge growth in online insurance purchases
Last week, Allstate announced their acquisition of Esurance, the online auto insurance provider. The purchase was billed as an effort to expand Allstate’s online market, providing customers with more options and flexibility when purchasing coverage. There is another factor that may have contributed to the acquisition, according to a new report released by comScore, a global source of digital market intelligence. The firm conducted a survey in the U.S. that suggests that the online market is becoming increasingly popular amongst consumers. The survey shows that, of those participating, 20% of…
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