Over the past several years, the opportunity to purchase insurance policies and make changes to current insurance coverage online has increased dramatically, and consumers today seem much more willing to head online to investigate insurance options. For individuals who have not yet purchased a policy online, it’s valuable to understand the benefits and drawbacks of each method of purchase. With the decades-long expansion of internet access across the world, insurance companies have been expanding their online policy options. Today’s consumers have an important choice to make when deciding whether to…
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Illinois residents face increased insurance rates for home and auto
Illinois insurance rates on the rise According to the March state filings by a number of insurance companies, some residents of Illinois will soon be receiving the unwelcome news that the coverage that they require for their homes and vehicles will soon be rising. For example, Hanover Insurance has filed a proposal to increase their rates for homeowners’ insurance by an average of 4.9 percent. This rise will go into effect for the renewals on July 11, 2012. Similarly, the filing from Unitrin Preferred Insurance Co., has shown that they…
Read MoreInsurance coverage for a flying car could come with a $60,000 price tag
Entertaining insurance news… Flying cars have been a part of our imaginations for decades, and though it will become possible for drivers to purchase them within the months to come, it is the insurance coverage that they may find more surprising than the technology itself. The Transition, the two-seater car that have fold-out wings that allow it to take flight and that was manufactured by Terrafugia in Massachusetts, made its first appearance before the attendees of an auto show. The company had already announced at the start of the week…
Read MoreWhat to consider when shopping for auto gap insurance
Auto gap insurance, also sometimes known as “totaled insurance” is a form of vehicle coverage that protects the loan amount of your car, SUV, van, or truck, in the case that it should be totaled, so that you will be sure to receive its actual cash value in order to replace it. This form of coverage is virtually always required when a new car is being purchased, as the value of that vehicle depreciates starting the moment that it is driven out of the dealership. Many leased vehicles also require…
Read MoreInsureCA4less.com website provides California residents with best insurance quotes and comparisons
The new insureca4less.com website has announced the availability of its full service insurance quote website that is specifically designed to cater to the needs of the residents of California. The site is now offering Californians fast and easy access to free instant insurance quotes from insurers located within their area. It also provides the ability to compare the top quotes from several insurance companies so that users will always know that they are receiving the coverage they need, but at the best possible price that can be found. The insureca4less.com…
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