Having a higher insurance rate will begin to eat into your company’s profits. Even with costs on the rise, you can’t avoid the price of insurance, but you can take active measures to lower the cost of your fleet. The claims will often cause a substantial rise in the price of insurance, and reducing your accidents will prove the most effective way to keep your premiums lower. Maintain Ongoing Assessments Data, the invaluable assistant of every fleet manager, will provide you with accurate and relevant information to make expert risk…
Read MoreTag: business auto insurance
Choosing the right commercial auto insurance for your company
Making sure you have the coverage you need at the right price. When you own a business, no matter its size, you understand the importance of obtaining the right coverage, so when it comes to commercial auto insurance, you need to make sure that you choose the right policy to protect your company while paying the best possible price. To make sure you find the right coverage, there are a few questions that you should ask yourself. It is important to take this additional step, because coverage for business vehicles…
Read MoreGEICO announces cheaper commercial auto insurance rates for businesses in Texas
Business owners in Texas may now have a commercial auto insurance policy available to them at a lower rate, as GEICO announced that they have made this new coverage available in the state. According to the director of commercial lines at GEICO, Kushwant Singh, his company is happy to be able to provide this new coverage to Texas businesses. He added that his company is recognized for providing cheap auto insurance coverage, but that “more and more business owners in Texas are discovering how much they can save with us…
Read MoreGreat American Insurance Group introduces new program for monitoring driver habits
Great American Insurance Group has announced the release of a program designed for both non-profit and for-profit organizations, which allows them to monitor the job-related driving habits of their employees and volunteers and identify those that increase the risk of an accident. The SafetyFirst Systems and Specialty Human Services Division at Great American have been working together to create a program that provides these companies with credible, timely data about the drivers who are taking excessive risks or driving aggressively, and those who are distracted while they drive. It is…
Read MoreMercury Insurance unveils new product for commercial auto coverage alongside new point of sale system for agents
Mercury Insurance chosen the 2012 Virtual Insurance Marketplace event as the venue for the introduction of their new commercial auto product that is set to be released across the country in the states in which the insurer is currently writing. This new product uses cutting edge technology to simplify the process for agents to qualify, rate, and issue new business, in addition to building on the insurance company’s capabilities for online service. The commercial auto product provides policyholders with standard ISO coverage at rates that are competitive within the marketplace.…
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