Many customers don’t realize that there is a great deal more to this protection than meets the eye. Boating season is now fully underway and boaters have purchased their boat insurance policies for the season. That said, many of the 87 million recreational boaters in the U.S. don’t seem to fully understand those policies. Recreational boaters buy insurance coverage year after year without knowing important points about it. Among the most important types of boat insurance coverage is the form that provides protection when it’s not in use. When your…
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Finding and choosing the right boat insurance quote
U.S. Coast Guard data is currently showing that property damage that includes boats is significantly increasing, which is also boosting the need for not only boat insurance, but the correct policy. As a result of the rising instances of property damage with boats, many states are now making boat insurance mandatory. Even if you are not in one of the states that require you to be insured, if you have a loan for your boat, or if you use a marina, the odds are that you will need to purchase…
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