The driverless vehicles are being designed to be able to make their way safely along snowy roads. While self driving cars may be the direction the industry will be taking in the future, winter storms and snowy roads continue to be as much of a threat of auto insurance claims for those cars as the ones driven by people. Driverless vehicles currently operate best in cities with clearly marked streets and lanes. Though self driving cars have been performing quite well in their testing phases, they have been developed for…
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Auto insurance premiums in the U.S. may slide with driverless cars
As autonomous vehicles roll out – and as that continues into the future – coverage rates will plummet. A new report from Aon Benfield addressed auto insurance premiums in a world of self driving cars. It examined the insurance rate trends that will occur with the expected increasing popularity of autonomous vehicles. The report suggested car owners will be paying a lot less for coverage when cars drive themselves. The predictions are that the “industry pure premiums” will fall a full 20 percent from last year through 2035. This forecast…
Read MoreSelf-driving cars expected to disrupt the auto insurance market
Autonomous vehicles predicted to have a severe impact on the cost of auto insurance Autonomous vehicles could have a major impact on auto insurance premiums in the future. While these vehicles are not yet readily available, insurers already see the potential disruption self-driving cars could have on the market. Self-driving vehicle take human error out of the equation, which is expected to significantly cut down on the number of accidents that are seen on the roads every year. This will lead to a dramatic decrease in auto insurance premiums in…
Read MoreInsurance news about self-driving cars will be hard to predict
As Google’s driverless vehicles start to hit the spotlight, coverage for owners has become a major question. The next wave of insurance news over a brand new industry that will need coverage that is unlike anything else that the world has ever seen, is now attracting some serious attention as Google’s self-driving cars are becoming increasingly “real”. Auto insurers are now starting to take these driverless vehicles much more seriously, as they’re on their way. According to an insurance news statement made by PricewaterhouseCoopers in a report that was published…
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