Even as rates have started dropping, it is unlikely that drivers will see their premiums easing. Though drivers might be inclined to believe that as inflation starts to fall, auto insurance rates aren’t likely to get any cheaper. In fact, premiums are expected to rise, and in some areas, they’ll be increasing by quite a bit. The average cost of full coverage is $2,014 in the United States, which is 14 percent higher than last year. According to the True Cost of Auto Insurance Report by Bankrate, the average cost…
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Tesla Insurance rolls out driver safety score to Californian customers
The electric carmaker insists that the tally is being used exclusively for “educational purposes.” Tesla Insurance recently announced that it has rolled out its controversial driver safety score to its customers in California, the largest market for the coverage. The score is based on real-time tracking of driver behaviors while using the vehicle. According to Tesla Insurance, the driver safety score’s purpose is for education only, and that it will not impact driver premiums for the moment. The electric automaker has been selling its coverage in California for some time…
Read MoreComprehensive Plan: All About This Motor Insurance
No matter how experienced and careful you are in driving, several uncertainties may still occur on the road. To avoid getting yourself entangled in costly repairs or part replacements, first search for cheap car insurance quotes then purchase a comprehensive motor insurance plan. Comprehensive insurance has your back in the event your car is damaged by an insured event or if you caused damage to someone else’s car and property. However, do not confuse it with third-party insurance because the latter only covers your liability against a third party. Understanding Comprehensive…
Read MoreWhat Car Insurance Do You Need When Towing?
Just because you’ve got a tow hitch doesn’t mean what you tow will be covered under your primary automobile insurance. There are a high amount of mechanical issues which can develop from towing. Even if you know what you’re doing, there can be problems. Now that’s not to say you shouldn’t tow, it’s not to say there are no insurance options available. It is to say you should know what you’re doing, and be careful. As far as insurance goes, what you’re looking for is twofold. Firstly, seek roadside assistance…
Read MoreFlorida auto insurance costs more than coverage in most other states
Research has shown that car coverage in the state costs up to 25 percent more than the U.S. average. According to newly released data from Insure.com, drivers in Florida are still facing very expensive auto insurance, to the point that they are paying up to 25 percent more than the average across the rest of the country. The report on the data analysis determined that Florida is the eighth most expensive state in the U.S. The average amount paid for auto insurance premiums in Florida was $1,654. When compared to…
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