Auto insurance companies consider them to be a higher risk than those living on their own. Millennial motorists who still live at home with their parents pay higher car insurance rates than their counterparts who don’t, say the results of a new study. Millennials who own houses or condos tend to pay notably less for their auto insurance coverage. The higher car insurance premiums study was conducted by It determined that millennials who live with their parents pay considerably higher car insurance premiums than their home owning counterparts. In…
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Factors That Impact Car Insurance Premium Negatively and What You Can Do About It
A number of things affect our auto insurance rates. Some work to our advantage and lead to discounts, whereas others get us deemed risky customers and lead to higher insurance premiums. There may not be much we can do about how old we are and where we live, but there are certain factors that impact our premiums negatively which we do have control over. Read on to find out what these factors are and what you can do to stop them from creating a bigger hole in your pocket. Your…
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