Drivers should be aware of the new requirements and make sure to have their proof of coverage handy. For anyone in Minnesota who is getting set to purchase a new car, is purchasing a new auto insurance policy or who is renewing a policy will need to be ready to comply with the new laws. Part of those new regulations involve having to provide proof of insurance information at certain times. For instance, for residents of the state who are looking to renew their license tabs on an existing vehicle,…
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New Yorkers can now prove they have auto insurance with their smartphones
Another state has now joined the growing number across the country allowing for electronic proof formats. According to a recent announcement from a spokesperson from the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles, the state has now implemented a regulation that will make it possible for drivers to be able to show their proof of auto insurance either in the traditional way with a paper card, or in an electronic format that can be displayed on mobile device screens. The new proof of insurance regulation has actually been in effect…
Read MoreSmartphones insurance trends are spreading across the country
New Jersey has just become the latest among many states to approve electronic proof of coverage. New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has recently signed A-3905/S-2680 into law, allowing the state to join into one of the fastest growing insurance trends in which consumers will be allowed to display a proof of their coverage over a mobile device screen in addition to the traditional paper format. This provides only one more reason that the smartphone has become a more central part of the lives of the average American. It will now…
Read MoreLawmakers approve revisions to Michigan’s auto insurance laws
Revisions to insurance laws have been approved by the state’s Senate Lawmakers in Michigan have moved to address issues concerning the state’s auto insurance laws. The state’s Senate has approved revisions to insurance laws that are meant to curb costs associated with medical care for those that have been injured in crashes. These revisions are not entirely popular within the Senate, with opponents suggesting that these revisions could be a detriment to those that need medical care as the result of severe injuries caused by a car crash. Auto insurance…
Read MoreNorth Carolina auto insurance tax will contribute to roadway maintenance
Higher taxes for gasoline and a range of other fees will help to keep the highways in the state paved. North Carolina has had to come up with a new plan to pay for the construction and maintenance of highways in the state, and it has now rolled out a plan that will use taxes on gasoline and auto insurance as well as increased vehicle fees in order to help to ensure that the funds that are needed will be available. The reason that the additional revenue streams are required…
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