Auto insurance scams in New York shut down with doctor claims suspensions

Auto Insurance scams

A number of “dirty” docs are now being pursued by the state regarding accidents that never happened. New York is now going after twelve doctors that signed off on auto insurance claims for accidents that never occurred, in order to allow their “patients”, and themselves, to collect millions in payments from the no-fault system in the state. Notices went out to the dozen physicians as well as six additional health providers. Those notices have barred them from being able to submit auto insurance claims on the no-fault system in New…

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Auto insurance fraud crackdown planned in Michigan

Auto insurance fraud

The state intends to expand its efforts to put a stop to fake coverage certificates. According to Ruth Johnson, Secretary of State, she and law enforcement in Michigan are working together with the auto insurance industry in order to considerably expand crackdown efforts on fake certificates that are being used to obtain vehicle registrations. The fraud that was discovered by Johnson and her department had a staggering rate of 16 percent. Johnson explained that her department had found a 16 percent rate of auto insurance fraud within a single day…

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Auto insurance cost drops following crackdown on fraud

auto insurance rates

The price associated with covering a car has rapidly fallen since the new efforts went into effect. In the United Kingdom, the cost of auto insurance is dropping rapidly following a fraud and claim management company crackdown that has been very effective in shrinking the problem. According to recent data, the average annual comprehensive coverage quote has plummeted. The AA, over the past year, there has been a reduction in the size of comprehensive auto insurance quotes by approximately 10 percent. This is the largest decrease that has been recorded…

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Auto insurance fraud campaign launched in Canada for month long crackdown

California Insurance company Fraud scam

A new effort in the province of Ontario has State Farm working with the official bureau to reduce scams. State Farm and the auto Insurance Bureau of Canada (IBC) have just announced the start of a partnership for a new STOP AUTO FRAUD campaign that will run throughout the month of March in Ontario in order to provide drivers in the province with more information about the signs of fraud. Vehicle claims fraud is currently estimated to cost the drivers in the province up to $1.6 billion per year. As…

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