The majority of the American public may not understand the complete ramifications.
As the Supreme Court health care reform ruling is expected to be announced on Thursday morning, the entire country waits to find out the future of the medical system, but how much of the public will truly comprehend the depth of the impact that this decision will have?
To start, there are many different possible outcomes to this vitally important case.
This highest court in the country may choose to uphold President Obama’s health care reform law in its entirety, or it may completely strike it down. However, there are a number of other possibilities, as well. The decision isn’t entirely black and white. The justices may choose to keep certain elements of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, while overturning others.
Moreover, the Supreme Court may rule on some parts and send others to be dealt with by lower courts.
It is this range of gray shades that could make the ruling challenging for experts – let alone the American public – to fully understand. It is a complex web that will involve politics, laws, economics, constitutional rights, systems fully in place, partially implemented programs, and the ability of every American to be able to receive the medical services and products that they require at a price that they can afford.
The primary decision that is being watched is regarding the individual mandate, which would require the majority of Americans to purchase health insurance that meets the law’s minimum standards, or face a tax penalty. The ruling as to whether or not this requirement should be considered to be constitutional has been the center focus of the speculations, just as it is the heart of the health care reform as a whole.
Whether or not this requirement – and the penalties associated with failing to buy coverage – will be allowed to stand will vitally impact the structure of the rest of the bill. Should that portion be upheld, even if other elements are stricken down, the majority of the remainder of the bill will likely be able to be preserved. Should it not, the architects are going to need to have important alternatives ready or the law could face complete collapse.