Looking to save money on your home insurance? The price you pay for insurance is not fixed. If you need to lower your monthly payments, there are several ways to do so.
Shop Around
Not all insurance companies are created equal. You can save a bundle by calling different insurance companies for quotes. You may find a different company who can offer you the exact same level of protection for a significantly reduced rate.
Raise Your Deductible
If you are in a low-risk area, you can save money by raising their deductible. With a higher deductible, you will still have insurance in the event of a major catastrophe, but you will save hundreds of dollars if nothing happens. If you are worried about paying that high deductible when you do have a claim, you can always take the money you save every month and set it in a savings account.
Combine Insurance Policies
Combining your home insurance with your car or life insurance is another way to save money without compromising your insurance. With only one company to write a check to every month, your total cost for all forms of insurance should decrease significantly.
Make Your Home Disaster-Resistant
While it is not very practical to build a house that is 100 percent disaster-proof, there are many practical and worthwhile ways to make your house less likely to be affected by catastrophe. You can waterproof your basement, modernize your plumbing or reinforce your roof. Not only do these measures make it less likely that you will need to make a claim, but having them done can decrease your insurance bill as well.
Install a Home Security System
Make your home safer and cheaper to insure by having a security company install a state of the art home security system in your home. You can find a variety of affordable options. In addition, you should see your insurance rates decrease according to an Aurora home security company.
“We wanted our house to be safer so we contacted Vivint in Tucson AZ,” said Parker Mitchell. “It was interesting how our house felt safer and we actually began paying less in insurance.” Before getting your system, make sure to check with your insurance to make sure your security upgrade qualifies you for a discount.
Ask About Discounts
Insurance companies often offer a variety of discounts, but you may not know about them unless you take the time to ask. Common discounts include paperless, loyal customer and bundle discounts. Asking a customer service representative to check and make sure you are receiving all your discounts takes very little time and can potentially save you hundreds of dollars.
Home insurance, while vital, does not have to cost you a ridiculous amount. Taking the time to make a few home improvements and explore your insurance options is well worth it when you can potentially save hundreds of dollars