Owners care more about the wellbeing of their companion animals than they do about their own.
Pet health has become an astoundingly important issue in the lives of dog owners. In fact, a recent study showed that many dog owners care more about their animal’s wellness than their own.
Half of dog owners specifically placed their canine’s health at a higher priority than their own health.
The study findings showed that over half of dog owners placed pet health above their own personal health. Moreover, 62 percent of these pet owners said their biggest concern about their animal’s wellness came from concerns regarding the nutritional benefits of the dog food. About 55 percent said that it was of the utmost importance that they provide their dog with a nutritious diet.
That said, as much as dog owners may put in the effort when it comes to researching and finding the best healthy food for a pet to enjoy, the same effort is not applied to choosing food for themselves and their families.
Pet health was the top factor for dog owners choosing canine food, followed by brand then cost.
That said, when people shop for themselves, flavor is a far higher consideration than nutritional benefits. In fact, only about one in three people even consider a food’s nutritional content before placing it in a shopping basket for human consumption.
Still, pet insurance can still play an important role in keeping the cost of dog health under control. This is not just because of accidental injury or unexpected illness but also because of the specific actions of those well-intended dog owners.
Interestingly, as far as owners will go to purchase nutritious food, 38 percent – more than a third – still admitted in the survey to feeding their dog chocolate and cheese. In some cases, those foods, particularly chocolate, can be highly toxic to a dog. Also concerning was that only 68 percent – just over 2 in three owners – said that they knew “some” of the foods that are dangerous for their dogs to consume, said a Country Living report.
“The results from the research we conducted have shown the lengths that pet owners will go to, to ensure they have a happy and healthy pet,” said Asda Money head of pet insurance, Alistair Ball, “With the majority of people putting their dog before themselves, it’s not surprising that we have a nation of pampered pets. 53% of people admit to feeding their dog before themselves, even if they’re hungry, that is true canine love!” Still, despite our best efforts, pet insurance appears to continue to be a safety net for pet health for a growing number of owners.