Lawmakers pass bill concerning dental insurance
The Wisconsin State Senate has approved a new bill concerning dental insurance. This type of insurance coverage has long been a somewhat controversial matter throughout the U.S. Many consumers currently go without dental insurance coverage due to the costs associated with certain policies. Many also consider dental insurance to be inadequate, as there are many costs that are not covered by policies. The legislation passed by lawmakers this week aims to provide more flexibility to dentists who often wrangle with these insurance policies.
New law designed to aid dentists
Dental insurance does not always cover dental work that may be required. Many policies offer coverage for simple cleanings and very minor procedures, but most do not provide coverage for more extensive work, such as dental implants. Many dental offices offer their own brand of insurance coverage in order to help potential patients better manage the costs associated with their medical care. Dentists do, however, regularly deal with insurance plans that do not offer coverage for much of their work, which can sometimes mean significant losses for these dentists.
Law prohibits insurers from forcing dentists to charge less for uncovered procedures
The new law passed by the Senate allows dentists licensed in the state to charge more for certain services that are not typically covered by dental insurance plans. Dentists had previously been forced by insurance companies to charge in-network patients significant less for services that the insurance company does not cover. The Wisconsin Dental Association is one of the strongest advocates of the legislation, claiming that losses caused by the state’s former policies had been contributing to the rising cost of medical services.
Measure may spark some changes in dental insurance sector
Nearly 30 other states throughout the country have similar laws to that recently passed in Wisconsin. While the law is not likely to make dental care any more affordable, it may encourage some change in the dental insurance sector. Consumers may be more inclined to purchase insurance protection as a way to manage the costs of dental care. A rise in demand may encourage insurers to begin offering coverage for work that had not been covered in the past.