Commonwealth unveils new information concerning NDIS program
The provincial government of New South Wales in Australia has released new information concerning the country’s National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) on Wednesday of this week. The NDIS is currently in its trial phase, which will provide government officials with the information they need to determine the viability of such an ambitious insurance program. Currently, New South Wales is the only Australian jurisdiction that has 10,000 participants in its trials of the NDIS program.
NSW receives funds for its NDIS trial
According to the state government, some $35 million in funds have been allocated to a trial taking place in the Hunter Valley. The funds are short of the $70 million that the provincial government has asked for, but officials believe that the funds will be sufficient enough to effectively conduct its NDIS trial. The precise details of the trail are still being discussed by government officials. Additional details concerning the commonwealth’s NDIS trials are expected to be revealed at the end of the week.
NDIS aims to revolutionize disability insurance
The NDIS program aims to provide Australians with more comprehensive disability insurance coverage. The program is designed to make significant reforms to the country’s existing disability insurance structure. The program will make use of a funding pool that is based on actuarial assessments of the needs of consumers rather than the traditional historical budget allocation system that has been in place for several years.
Ambitious program gains support from insurers and medical community
Though the NDIS is still in its trial phase, the insurance program has managed to find a great deal of support from consumers and health care organizations alike. The program has been praised for its provisions to recognize disability as a lifetime issue and not one that will go away or become less prevalent with time. Some insurance groups have expressed concern over the viability of the NDIS program, but many have come out in support of the scheme.