Open enrollment period proves successful for the state’s insurance exchange
Michigan’s health insurance exchange has managed to enroll a significant number of people during the latest open enrollment period. According to Get Covered America, some 340,905 people enrolled in the state’s exchange from November 15 last year to February 15 2015. The open enrollment period allowed those without health insurance to find the coverage that they needed. The state’s Medicaid program also experienced a period of growth, as people flocked to find coverage from the program.
More than 546,000 people sign up for Michigan’s Medicaid program
According to state records, more than 546,000 people in Michigan signed up for the state’s Medicaid program. Michigan opted to expand this program through the provisions of the Affordable Care Act, which provided the state with federal funding to make its Medicaid program more robust and inclusive. The Medicaid program now has more relaxed enrollment requirements, which has enabled it to provide insurance coverage to a wider range of consumers that would not be able to find policies in the private market or through the state’s insurance exchange.
Special enrollment period is underway in Michigan
Though the open enrollment period for the state’s exchange is over, some people may be able to enroll for coverage through the exchange. The Department of Health and Human Services is allowing those that began but did not complete the enrollment process to continue using exchanges. Many of these people attempted to enroll in state-based exchanges through the federal website. The site experienced a minor glitch that prevented people from filling out their enrollment applications, so they will have extra time to do so and receive coverage through exchanges.
Those without health insurance coverage will be fined by the federal government
In Michigan, this will provide consumers with a chance to get covered. The special enrollment period will end on March 1, after which point consumers will no longer be able to sign up for coverage through the state’s exchange. Those without health insurance coverage will likely face fines from the federal government, which will be issued when taxes are filed this year.