A series of health problems has meant that he cannot find the coverage he needs.
Morrissey, the former front man for The Smiths, has announced his new insurance news, which is that he will not be able to complete his American tour due to the enormous medical costs that have been accumulating as a result of a number of health issues he has faced, including a stomach ulcer and a case of double pneumonia.
Beyond the singer’s health, it was the bills that were building up that stood in his way.
He announced that because of the increasing medical issues, the continual bills meant that he was making insurance news, not just entertainment headlines, as he could not find the coverage that he needed in order to be able to perform on the dates that were anticipated for the U.S. tour.
The 53 year old singer said that this bad insurance news stopped him from being able to continue.
When interviewed by a Mexican radio station, Morrissey explained that “I had to (cancel) because of medical reasons, because I have had so much medical attention, it had soaked up all the insurance. So we couldn’t actually continue anymore because we weren’t insured to continue.
This bad insurance news was not entirely unexpected following the large number of health issues that the singer had been experiencing for a number of weeks. He had already been battling with medical problems for several weeks following the diagnosis of a bleeding ulcer. He also received a diagnosis of Barrett’s oesophagus, which could lead to cancer in some rare circumstances. Already ill with a taxed immune system, the singer was then struck by a case of pneumonia.
According to the singer “they tried to patch me together” throughout the five weeks that followed the diagnoses, but they did not achieve the outcomes they had wanted. For those weeks, he was on many IV drips and every time it looked like good insurance news was on the way because his health was picking up, he’d face another setback and decline once more.
Morrissey explained that even before this insurance news, he had received advice that it was time to retire from performing live, but he had wanted to continue on because “it’s the best of life when you tour and you make music and sing.”