The whole concept behind purchasing insurance, whether it be automobile, house, or health coverage, is to have a safety net when disaster strikes. But this kind of safety net can be incredibly expensive even in the best of circumstances, and this means that it may often be out of reach for lower-income workers and their families, as well as for large families with several dependents to provide for.
If you need to buy insurance and you also happen to be a member of a wholesale club like Costco, Sam’s, or Bj’s, you may be able not only to save when buying bulk food, clothing, or housing necessities but on your insurance costs as well.
While shopping at bulk retailers may induce you to buy things you don’t need just because it’s such a great deal, that may not be the case when it comes to insurance expenses.
Insurance providers may offer attractive discounts based on specific wholesale club memberships.
There’s good news when it comes to insurance costs. Wholesale Club retailers have stepped up to the challenge to help customers save money when purchasing insurance plans, and these bulk retailers do it with renowned and reliable insurance providers and a good number of them.
Major wholesale clubs will offer insurance through third parties, but because you are a member of the club, you may be eligible for discounts, perks, and in the end savings.
When it comes time to purchase or renew insurance, regardless of the type, consider these perks for wholesale club members and check with your club before making your final choice.
1. Dependable Insurance Partners and Numerous Options
The first thing to note is the numbers. When national wholesalers go to bat for their club members, they do it in a big way. The sheer number of insurance carriers that they partner with means that you’ll have options that run in the hundreds, if not in the thousands. More choices generally translate into two benefits: better service and more savings.
2. Individual or Group Coverage and Personalized
Wholesale Clubs do not necessarily limit their insurance offerings to individual members only but also small groups. Wholesale Clubs like Costco health insurance assist members in finding personalized options to satisfy personal needs or the needs of an employer while staying true to your budget possibilities.
3. Health Insurance: HMO, PPO or Short-term Medical Plan?
Some wholesale clubs will have the same coverage possibilities as health insurance marketplace rivals that offer HMO or PPO coverage. The options permit you to choose whether to have treatment from a specific group of physicians with an HMO or choose your physician with a PPO. Healthcare coverage can include vision and dental options, too or you can stipulate a short-term medical plan.
4. Coverage for Family Members, Medicare Shopping, In-House Pharmacies
Certain individual policies available through Wholesale Clubs let you add your spouse and dependents to health insurance coverage. They’ll also help you shop for Medicare coverage. Additional savings may be had when you fill prescriptions with Wholesale clubs’ in-house pharmacies.
5. Multiple Policy Discounts
Apart from the possibility to save money on individual policies when purchasing through your wholesale club membership, you may be able to save even more through discounts applied when you purchase multiple insurance policies. So, if you purchase health, car, and home insurance through your wholesale club membership like BJ’s, you might increase your savings.
6. Home Insurance
Home insurance policies also offer some deductible choices. These options may include any damage that stems from hail, hurricanes, lightning, smoke, or wind. They may also include flood protection, fire protection, while some insurance policies may go so far as to offer home glass repair reimbursement.
7. There’s More!
Home insurance policies may also include emergency repair services, extra discounts for new homes or renovations, and most importantly liability insurance if someone is injured on your property. And if you are not a homeowner, you can still get renters or condo insurance.
8. Auto Insurance
Wholesale Club Sam’s features Sam’s Club Car Insurance to ensure members get discounts. Car insurance policies may include 24-hour roadside assistance and the option of insuring multiple vehicles. You may also benefit from a selection of licensed auto repair facilities that have already been vetted for quality service. A few policies may include accident forgiveness and even new car replacement.
9. Business Owners’ Insurance
Business owners may also be able to purchase their business insurance through wholesale club membership. With live support, guided health insurance shopping, and contribution plan options. While not all states offer these possibilities, a substantial number do.
10. Customer Service
When you call an insurance company, it’s usually because you have or have just had a crisis. Getting the runaround only adds to frustration and anxiety. Many Wholesale clubs will make sure you have access to insurance claims assistance 24/7. If you need help, it doesn’t get any better.
Should You Shop Insurance Wholesale?
While it may seem unusual to buy your insurance through a wholesale club, your membership may offer quite a bit of flexibility in coverage options as well as save you money while you create that safety net for unforeseen mishaps.