Homeowners insurance tips for winter claims prevention issued by industry

homeowners insurance tips

A video featuring “Uncle Insurance” is the next in the series to help to avoid damage and claims.

As wintery weather becomes more visible, the industry is renewing its previous reminder of the many homeowners insurance tips that are available to help to winterize a home and prevent damage from freezing temperatures, snow, and ice.

Although the best time to prepare the house is ahead of the lousy weather, these changes are better done late than never.

Many meteorologists – and The Old Farmer’s Almanac, for that matter – are predicting that this winter will be one of the worst ones that we have seen in years. Considering the damage that the United States has experienced over the last handful of years, that doesn’t sound promising to the ability to enjoy a season free of damage and hassle. For that reason homeowners insurance tips are being offered by the industry as a whole, as well as individual insurers. Among the most popular are videos that are going viral online.

The homeowners insurance tips shared in those videos may be amusing to watch, but they should be taken seriously.

One of the most popular strategies has been the latest in the Insurance Made Simple videos featuring “Uncle Insurance” from Grange, which is based in Columbus, Ohio. Throughout this short piece, the curmudgeonly, and yet still quite lovable character provides advice that can be followed inside and outside the house to make sure that it is protected against the elements, reducing the risk of water (melt) and other forms of damage to the home that are common throughout the winter months.

This year’s little tutorial offered ways to avoid ice dams in the roof gutters, prevention of bursting pipes by avoiding freezing water within them, and keeping the driveways and sidewalks clear of snow so that you and others won’t end up injuring yourselves. These homeowners insurance tips likely won’t come as much of a surprise to anyone, but they are a handy reminder for people who may have missed a step along the way when getting ready for the cold temperatures and nasty weather.

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