Purchasing a new property is an amazing achievement and something that you have likely invested an awful lot of time and effort into. As such, securing home insurance is something that is always highly recommended. But is it compulsory in Thailand? Do you have to invest in home insurance or can you go without?
Do you have to have home insurance in Thailand?
Home insurance is not a legal requirement when purchasing property in Thailand. If you want to buy property and forgo the insurance then it is your choice, however, we would strongly recommend that you do not skip this important protection. Here’s everything you need to know…
Why is home insurance so crucial?
Home insurance protects your property from more than just unlikely natural disasters; it can also protect your property against theft as well.
Ideally, you want your home to be insured so that if in the event a fire starts, lightning strikes, or storm damage is caused (e.g., flooding, etc.), then you will be completely protected.
Certainly, the likelihood of your home being struck by lightning and set on fire is incredibly low, however, there are other events that can occur which are far more likely and equally as devastating.
The fact is, Thailand is no stranger to natural disasters. Part of living in a tropical climate means that the weather events can indeed be devastating to property, which is why, although not compulsory, having home insurance is the logical thing to do.
That way, even in the worst and most unlikely event, your insurance will protect your investment. This means paying for all of the damage, plus any necessary demolition and clean-up work, followed by the rebuilding. It will also take into consideration any relevant price increases since the date that you initially purchased your property.
Understandably, the thought of things going wrong for your property will be so far removed from your mind when you are still feeling the excitement of completing your purchase. The odds of your home being destroyed are low, but it is still a possibility.
Furthermore, even if you are renting out your property to tenants, in the event a severe storm breaks out and damages your property – your insurance will cover the loss of rent if the property becomes unlivable.
Important considerations before taking out home insurance in Thailand
Before rushing in to buy home owners insurance, first speak with your property management company. For example, if you are buying a condo from a development like Elio Del Nest in Bangkok, there’s a good chance that the property management company will offer home insurance. Consult with them during the negotiations process and find out what is covered by their insurance.
While the property management company will likely have insurance that covers the building itself and the common areas, it will not cover your own private property, possessions, and furnishings. In addition, you won’t be covered by third party damages such as a water leak from a neighboring unit. As such, you should extend your insurance accordingly to cover everything.
Home insurance can be complicated and confusing, but with the right advice, you should be able to secure the best possible protection for your investment. The worst case scenario is that you take it out and nothing devastating happens to your property – which is also the best case scenario.
Protect your investment.