Health insurance marketing focuses on Generation Y females

health insurance marketing young woman

A massive ad campaign has just launched to try to encourage young women to enroll.

A massive advertising effort has started, this week, to help to promote health insurance among the young women who have the greatest likelihood of enrolling for a plan and to encourage a broader range of sign ups.

These women are also the most likely to encourage their male counterparts to purchase coverage.

health insurance marketing young womanMales in Generation Y are seen as high risk takers and are more willing to forgo health insurance coverage. However, it is believed that if women in this age group purchase coverage, then they are among the most likely to convince these men to do the same. This insurance marketing campaign was launched by Enroll America, a nonprofit advocacy group. It is best known for using pets to attract the attention of its audience.

This marketing campaign has launched under two months from the health insurance enrollment deadline.

At the moment, Enroll America claims that approximately 81 percent of Americans are unaware that the health care reform enrollment deadline is approaching. Moreover, 69 percent of the public doesn’t know that they can obtain financial assistance for paying their premiums if their incomes are lower than 400 percent of the poverty level.

Annie Filipic, the president of Enroll America, said that the commercials that feature pets such as dogs, cats, and birds, “help break through the clutter”. The organization feels strongly that this will help the public to inform themselves. She pointed out that over 60 percent of American households have a pet, and over half of those owners would be willing to risk their lives for their pets. This suggests that these animals may help to make the ads appealing enough that this demographic will pay attention.

Filipic believes that while the federal health insurance website has been receiving a tremendous amount of coverage from the insurance news media, the focus has primarily been on the initial wave of glitches that it had experienced, and now whether or not it is actually enrolling enough people to be successful. There isn’t enough clear information about the deadlines and subsidies that make it more affordable, and this has been lost on consumers.

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